Each module is of 90 minute duration. These can be delivered as a standalone or could be grouped together. We recommend a maximum of two modules for any single session.
Our life is governed by the values that we build within ourselves. Learn about the Schwartz Value wheel and identify what drives you. Values hold a very important role in our personality and lead us to do what we do. Know more

Know your personality style through a professional psychometric test. Learn to use the results of the test to your advantage. Very often we do not know what others perceive about us. How does your peer group view you and how do you rate in the vertical impressions. Knowledge is the key to success. Know more

Culture is a dimension that has now become very important to understand. As nationalities merge as a consequence of migration and sharing of information becomes a real time situation it is very important to learn about the cultural behavior patterns in society and the business community. Know more

Each one of us have some natural operating zones. Some have a flair for challenges while others hate to be challenged. What is your comfort zone? Do you often challenge that? Remember there is a thin line that divide a confident person and an arrogant one. Know more