Each module is of 90 minute duration. These can be delivered as a standalone or could be grouped together. We recommend a maximum of two modules for any single session.
This is a very clinical process that enables you to be in a position to hand over the reins to someone competent who will take the business to new heights. It could be a family member, a new CEO or just a new owner. Learn to remove yourself from the business before it gets too late.
Handling customers at the reception or on phones. Managing and writing emails and basic essentials to create a good client rapport is crucial to crate the first impression. We tend to ignore this very essential role. This requires skills as well as the correct attitude.
What are Goals? why is goal setting important? How to build SMART Goals? How do you set up Goals? Do only business operations have goals/ What about individuals? What happens when my own goals clash with the business goals? Get answers to these questions.

How many meetings have you attended where you think that a lot of time has been wasted without any constructive result? Understand the purpose for a meeting, who should be a part or the meeting. How to run the meeting effectively. When to close a meeting

Being an effective sales person requires skills. Whether you are a retail person or a car and machinery sale person the selling process is still the same. Create a system, a process where you are able to meet the client's requirements in a manner that is profitable and beneficial to the seller as well as the buyer.
Can you manage time? The answer is NO! You have to manage yourself in time because time is a universal phenomenon that is independent of you. Learn the pitfalls where we fail to deliver in time. This is a basic course and has a complimentary Module B.